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Gaining Community Support to Help Local and Unsheltered People in Burlington, Vermont

Burlington, VT
25 Shelters
Population Served:
Local Unhoused Neighbors
opening date:
February 7, 2023
A Combination of American Rescue Plan Act Funding and grants from the Vermont Office of Economic Opportunity
build timeline:

Download the Case Study

Learn how Burlington, VT overcame community concerns to shelter its unhoused community. Complete the form to download this project's case study.

Burlington demonstrates how community outreach allays concerns by involving local citizens throughout the process.

Within weeks of opening, ECS showed how transitional housing can help—one resident was already able to move out of the shelters and into more permanent housing. Download the case study to learn more.

We really want to make sure that the outcomes for the folks staying at the shelter are really successful, but the other measurement of success is that it be an asset to the community and that it not have unintended consequences on the neighbors.

- Brain Pine, Director, Burlington Community and Economic Development Office

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