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Madison, WI Case Study- Finding Innovative Ways to Provide Shelter

Madison, WI
30 Shelters
Population Served:
Unhoused Neighbors, Couples and pets, as well as supporting unhoused people living in Reindahl Park
opening date:
November 1, 2021
ARPA Funding
build timeline:

Download the Case Study

Learn how Madison, WI used creative solutions to overcome building code roadblocks. Complete the form to download this project's case study.

When building codes make supporting unsheltered neighbors a challenge, cities are using creative solutions to overcome
the barriers.

Read on to learn how Pallet shelters in conjunction with creative city solutions helped 20 people moved to permanent housing within the first 12 months.

It’s a legal place to sleep at night, which doesn’t really exist [elsewhere]. It provides an opportunity for couples, people with pets, to sleep at night while they’re seeking other opportunities. The shelters are way better than a tent. It has heat, electricity and AC. Their basic needs are met.

-Brenda Konkel, Executive Director, Madison Street Medicine

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